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Adding Content

Front Matter

Each page should have the minimum front matter:

title: "Page Title"
group: "" # The group the page belongs to in the menu
description: "A brief description of the page"

You can also specify additional front matter variables:

  • draft - Set to true to hide the page from the site
  • aliases - A list of aliases for the page
  • toc - Set to false to hide the table of contents


Images can be added to your content using Markdown syntax. The images should be stored in the /static/img/ directory.

![alt text](/img/favicon.svg)

Images by default have a max-width of 100% so larger images scale down on smaller screens. Images are also native lazy loaded.

For more control over images you can use a shortcode as follows:

{{ < img src="/img/image.svg" dark="/img/image-dark.png" class=" " width="128" height="128" alt=" " }}

This allows you to specify a dark mode image, height, width a class and an alt tag.


You can embed an iframe using the following shortcode:

{{ < iframe src="" height="200" class="w-100" >}}